Resignation Letter
Dear Teachers
RE: Resignation
I am writing to inform you that I resign from the position of Head Teacher with an immediate effect.
Having no managerial experience whatsoever I have made a lot of mistakes during this fleeting life of being Head Teacher and communication seems to be the biggest one. Let me, therefore, first briefly explain the motives behind me accepting to become Head Teacher as it is then when most of the misunderstanding seem to have begun.
Having been in Malaysia for over one year I was striving for a new challenge. I acknowledged that it was not feasible for TBC to employ an experienced foreign teacher for this position and so I suggested that should the need arise I would not reject it as I did the first time the idea was put forward. I was careful though not to push the issue in any way. I was fully aware that the sole purpose of such a position is to benefit the organization and the teachers in the first place, yet I seemed to fail to rise up to the challenge.
The situation now, as it occurs to me, is not sustainable. Ever since I was appointed we have been facing problems which do not seem to be necessary. I have never personally benefited from being Head Teacher and so has not anyone else, the organization as a whole included. Therefore, I have no intention on clinging to it and am happy to write my first resignation letter ever with a view to improving our well-being in Malaysia.
Jiri Brazda
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