September 02, 2004

New Teacher

So at last, on Tuesday we are going down to KL to pick up a new teacher. I might be as much excited about this as she is as it is not going to be a challenge for her only. Clearly, it is going to be a challenge for the whole crew which is taking on board a new member. That is a change to the organization which must respond equally. Without this flexibility we are bound no to reap the potential benefits of the change but the contrary.

While chatting with her a few hours ago she made an intriguing comment as to our roles within the organization as she suggested she could act as a bridge of communication between me and Andy. “Then I would be a pillar,” sprang to mind immediately...

We made this simile in a ligh-hearted tone yet it is just and apt. I believe this is how we perceive our roles and this is how we act upon it.

I am ready to embrace the challenge wholeheartedly, there is something of a worry however. It is my expectations which might be far too high and the tendency to be overprotective when it comes to women and dominant when it comes to men. There is a crucial question cropping up. Do I give other people enough space to grow - to struggle, to fight, to lose and to win the battles for themselves?

Though I don’t know the answer, it puts my mind at peace that it all only means I am still on the right path.


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