So I'm 25 now
A few things are playing on my mind but gratitude ought to be mentioned first. What I do is ever more meaningful year after year and I'm grateful for being gifted to do so.
I'm further on the path of my spiritual and personal journey than anytime before and I find it symbolic that at the furthest point I'm going home for Christmas.
... Nejdelší je cesta, jež vede k tomu, co je nejblíž.
Nejtěžší je složit píseň, jež je docela prostá.
Poutník chodí od cizích dveří ke dveřím, aby nakonec dorazil k
vlastnímu prahu - člověk bloudí venku po světě, aby nalezl pána
ve svém vlastním nitru ...
Gítáňdžalí, Rabíndranáth Thákura
I'm ready to go. This morning I put aside some hard bread for birds, exactly as I'd do it at home. But there is no winter here, it's ridiculous...
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