July 25, 2005

Rainbow over mountains

I started reading up on Borneo and Mt.Kinabalu and something extraordinarily big started growing in me. I'm asking myself. Why climb? People traditionally believed there are gods on top of mountains and it may be that to climb a mountain is to get that glimpse of God. To conquer the world and at the same time to realize how tiny and vulnerable we are.

I owe a lot to Malaysia as I've become a believer here. It's hard though to steer clear of any anguish after I've got such deep 'stabs of Joy'. Fion gave me a wonderful present and wrote to me that it's often hard to see the rainbow but we have to believe it's up there. This metaphor must be the crux of faith for any believer but an inner voice has me weep asking: “We long for the rainbow but aren't the clouds, the haze, the scorching sun, the rainstorms, the rainbow... aren't they, or aren't we part of the very same thing?”

I'm soon going to climb Mt.Kinabalu to get closer to the rainbow... and the mist, and the rain and the sunrise for that matter.


At 11:53 pm, Blogger Winson Kang said...

Well, from what i learnt, most people climbing the Mt, i mean, any Mt, they mostly wanna derive a sense of total saisfaction..Hmm....i think that really feels good.Hehe..Nice post,i like it a lot and it is meaningful.


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