Love is a teacher
"... love is a teacher, but one must know how to acquire it, for it is hard to acquire; it is dearly bought; it is won by slow, long labor."
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
Motto: Those who are in love with learning are in love with life. -- Charles Handy
"... love is a teacher, but one must know how to acquire it, for it is hard to acquire; it is dearly bought; it is won by slow, long labor."
Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov
It came to my mind yesterday, after a class which didn't go very well, that I will possibly never be the teacher I want to be. Why? Precisely because I always want to be the best. After a little thought, however, I realized that if I fail to give myself time, be patient and learn, how can I expect my students will hang out there for long enough and persevere? Being the distinguished and foremost learner of the class isn't it my utmost responsibility to lead by example?
"... ve společnosti, podobně jako v individuálních mezilidských vztazích, pravá tolerance není založena na vlažné lhostejnosti, ale naopak lásce k jinosti, schopnosti milovat druhé právě takové, jací jsou, a třeba právě proto, že takoví jsou. Láska, která se nezmůže na víc než milovat stejné, je pouhou extrapolací narcismu. Společnosti, které ještě nedorostly k této aktivní toleranci, nejsou svobody hodny a jsou zřejmě odsouzeny k tomu, aby o ni přišly."
It's been now for some time a source of amusement to see how some people in this culture strive for bigness. Yet again, it dawned on me today that it may have much to do with the environment.
This is what I put down into my diary two years back:
I want to take up piano classes and become a Buddhist monk for a while. Back home I mean to start English classes for underprivileged children. I feel powerful and resourceful. I can always draw on my gifts to observe and learn and fall back on the unwilting commitment... Yet I realize that as I learn more and more, the big picture, the meaning, is getting ever harder to grasp.
I used to think that Cambridge Dictionaries Online are by far the best you can get... until I came across this awesome Webster's Online Dictionary. For those with childish wonder Wordsmyth Children's Dictionary might come in handy too.