December 31, 2004

Is it that I want, or should?

As ever, there are lots of things going on in my mind.

First, comments from a couple of people confirmed that what I do now is my true vocation. Apparently, I seem extremely happy on my photos from Malaysia.

Second, the great thinker M. Scott Peck suggests that some people are naturally called on to do extraordinary things. I admit it's been the case with me. I've always thought of doing heroic things and it's not long ago when I got this comment from my English teacher: "You're certainly going to make your mark on the world in a big way."

December 29, 2004


Czechs don't believe in God.
Czechs are considered rather reserved.
Czechs rank no.1 in the world in beer consumption per head.

The three things came to mind yesterday and I suspect there might be a link between them.

December 17, 2004

Mock Test

Right. Half way into my work here. Going home for Christmas. I should be over the moon but, as all too often, I'm not. This is going to be a mock test of a sort. One day I will have to give up all I helped build up. It will be hard, but what I may fear even more is the void of transition. The question is why the profound gratitude doesn't help much to conjure up a smile on my face? Isn't it deep enough to fight back the tears of existential fear? Or is it only God who can put a smile on my face?

December 13, 2004

Czech National Anthem

I've just come across official translation of the Czech national anthem.

Where is my home,
Where is my home,
The water hums over the meadows,
The pines whisper over the mountains,
The flower blooms in the orchard in the spring,
It’s a heaven on earth to look at it.
And that is the beautiful country,
The Czech country,
My home.
The Czech country,
My home.

Isn't it beautiful?

December 11, 2004

Jiri Around the World

I remember one experience from my childhood very clearly. We were supposed to draw a picture for a drawing contest. I have never been good at drawing but I loved Tatra trucks, particularly because at that time they were running this “Tatra Around the World” project (probably trying to prove that trucks from a communist country can beat just about anything), so to me, the choice as to what I should draw was clear-cut. My best friend struggled a little but eventually he drew the same thing and made it to the next round of the contest with his “Tatra Around the World”.

I was upset and bitterly disappointed. I couldn't fathom that as, understandably, my Tatra resembled the original more, but most importantly, it was MY idea to draw it.

This feeling has cropped up since then countless of times. I dare say I don't lack creativity and that is one of the reasons why I love teaching. I hated it when I didn't have much support for my ideas in my previous jobs but I equally hate when other people either steal the idea and make it seem their own or use it without any acknowledgement such as “Thank you, Jiri. It's a great idea. I really like it.” After all, the ideas didn't come to me without any work.

But then I can feel the message which is saying: “Not all ideas are yours, you were merely given these first in a particular moment. Rather, you should feel proud others copy these ideas. That's the utmost acknowledgement as it is as sincere as it could be.” So I'll try to learn to give up the ownership feeling and like it since I guess it'll stay with me for a while.

December 06, 2004

So I'm 25 now

A few things are playing on my mind but gratitude ought to be mentioned first. What I do is ever more meaningful year after year and I'm grateful for being gifted to do so.

I'm further on the path of my spiritual and personal journey than anytime before and I find it symbolic that at the furthest point I'm going home for Christmas.

... Nejdelší je cesta, jež vede k tomu, co je nejblíž.
Nejtěžší je složit píseň, jež je docela prostá.
Poutník chodí od cizích dveří ke dveřím, aby nakonec dorazil k
vlastnímu prahu - člověk bloudí venku po světě, aby nalezl pána
ve svém vlastním nitru ...

Gítáňdžalí, Rabíndranáth Thákura

I'm ready to go. This morning I put aside some hard bread for birds, exactly as I'd do it at home. But there is no winter here, it's ridiculous...